Nibiru Cataclysm @ Galleri KITX
The next two weeks you can see Nibiru Cataclysm in Galleri KITX from Inherredsveien reminding people about the end of days. Collaboration...

Celestial magic at CPH:DOX Audio:Visual
On my way home after a magical opening of CPH:DOX as their first artist on their new audio:visual concept for this years festival. It was...

CPH:DOX - Fleurie (US) vs. Mina Paasche (NO) @Hotel Cecil
Den anmelderroste Nashville-baserede sangskriver Fleurie kommer til Hotel Cecil med sin cinematiske synthpop og folk-ballader, der bliver...

Read about our Feminist exhibtion in A shaded view on fashion.
"Feminist Exhibition: 'Sorry for the Inconvenience' at Gallery KIT, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art presents emerging and pioneering...

Sorry for the inconvenience
My work is part of Trondheim's first feminist exhibition of this scale curated by Michelle Rasmussen Bella da Silva opening on...

Movie recording in Sarajevo
Never have I been in such a strange an distance space. Traveling to Sarajevo with Trondheim Academy of fine arts was like time traveling...