Kunstkonsert: Uropførelse af værket "Sindre"
Kunstkoncert med temaet “Sindre”, som del af Kalundborgs J.T. Lundbye festival 2024. J.T. Lundbyes fødselsdag 1. Sept. fejres med en unik...

How to read water at E&G Teater
In ‘How to read water’ dance artist Anna Thu Schmidt, musician Thea Ellingsen Grant, and visual artist/VJ Mina Paasche create a...

Recidensy på Mausund
Im very thankful for having a recidensy at Mausund this spring with this wonderful cross diciplinary collaboration project of ours. The...

miniFREDsfestival & Utstilling på Feministhuset
Internasjonal Kvinneliga for Fred og Frihet(IKFF) i Trondheim inviterer til MiniFREDsfestival 31. mai-22.juni på Feministhuset...

Ny logo
Tusen takk til Qianhui Qian for nytt logo design til Mina Paasche Studio

Scener fra et Parforhold
Vidste du, at Broken Heart Syndrome – også kendt som Takotsubo – kan udløses af stor sorg? Det er akut opstået hjertesvigt, der...

room 61
Welcome to the premiere of The Things Not Even Your Mother Can Tell You In rom 61, at KMD, The Art Academy in Bergen. 9th of November...

How to Read Water - performances
In ‘How to read water’ dance artist Anna Thu Schmidt, musician Thea Ellingsen Grant, and visual artist/VJ Mina Paasche create a...

WILD THINGZ - Arctic Intensive
Welcome to WILD THINGZ#3: >>Arctic Intensive<< This weekend program will examine how our community can collectively share, document and...

A Space for Queer Expression
Happy pride! Pass by the Pride Art exhibition on Nytorv, before or after the parade. The exhibition presents works from LGBTQAI+ artists,...